Outsider Club Editors

Briton Ryle

Brit learned the ropes of the financial markets in the late 1990s – under the direct tutelage of the billionaire founder of one of the biggest independent research firms in the world. And for nearly 30 years, Brit has helped tens of thousands of individual investors secure their financial freedom with his insight and analysis. Whether it was Petrochina from $20 to $180 during the internet and 9/11bear market, Bakken oil stocks like Brigham at $2.40 to $21 during the Great Financial Crisis, Twilio from $35 to $310 during the pandemic or recommending Micron at $9 and SuperMicro Computer at $25, Brit has an uncanny ability to get ahead of the biggest investment trends. You may have seen Brit speak at international investment conferences, featured in publications like TheStreet.com, Forbes, the MoneyShow.com or benefitted from his premium research.

Christian DeHaemer

Christian DeHaemer got his start on Wall Street in 1996 when he began trading and writing in depth articles about and coming technology stocks. Now, Christian will be bringing his decades of experience and knowledge to Outsider Club with the idea that unlike standard jibber jabber coming out of Wall Street you will make yourself wealthy.