Christian DeHaemer got his start on Wall Street in 1996 when he began trading and writing in depth articles about and coming technology stocks. Cutting his teeth on the dotcom wave his portfolio returned 110% in 1999.
Over the years Christian has made great calls from 780% on an Mongolian oil play to buying Bitcoin in 2016 at $459. Christian peppers his recommendations with wit and storytelling that translate Wall Street jargon and lies into something most of us can understand
Chris has traveled the world in search of profits following opportunities in emerging markets, oil booms, and technology, putting boots on the ground in China, Mongolia, Japan, Egypt, Cuba, Kenya, South Africa and many more countries.
He has a mile down in Durban Deep, the world’s most productive gold mine. He called the breakout buy in Microsoft in 2012 at $33. It now trades close to $400 a share. More recently he bought C3.A1at $15 over the summer; it is now pushing $30. He has also made 178% in TK Shipping and 125% in Marathon Digital in just over a month.
Christian told folks to buy beach property in 2011 at the bottom of the real estate bust and to buy Palo Alto at $15 – now $308 when Cloud Computing was coming into its own. During covid he recommended stocks like Vuzix which went from $1.20 to over $25 a share in under a year.
Christian will be bringing his decades of experience and knowledge to Oustider Club with the idea that unlike standard jibber jabber coming out of Wall Street you will make yourself wealthy.