Want to Be a “Super-Trader”? Too Bad!

Written By Luke Sweeney

Posted December 20, 2022

Have you ever felt like the odd one out? 

Like every time you speak up, the “cool kids” in class are in the back snickering at you?

You know the type. They probably looked something like this:

rich snobs laughing

Anyone who has dove headfirst into the investment community with no experience knows that feeling like an old friend. 

When I first started trading, with nothing but a few hundred dollars and my wits, I got a crash course in a subject I call “learning my place.” 

I felt like I was in way over my head… like I was playing a game I didn’t fully understand against a room full of hungry wolves. 

In a way, I couldn't have been more right.

I quickly got the feeling that this system wasn't built for me. 

I was allowed to play with the big kids, but it wasn't my home field. 

Interestingly enough, investing for the common man has never been more accessible. 

I can make trades from the comfort of my home at the push of a button — no losing my voice at the stock exchange or bugging a broker during an after-hours rally. 

The stock market is open to anyone with enough money to put down… 

But there’s still the elephant in the room. 

I’m not a Wall Street bigwig. I didn’t graduate from an Ivy League school or intern at a fancy investment firm. 

Everything I learned, I learned through experience… 

Or, in many cases, experience taught me a hard lesson by force.

I’ve made some absolute boneheaded trades in my time, but I’ve also made a few that made me wonder if I could see the future. 

It’s all part of the process. But there’s still one thing I can't deny… 

I’ll never be an “insider.” 

But That’s OK — at Least, That’s What I Tell Myself 

None of us are insiders — not in the real sense, anyway. 

If you are, chances are you’re not reading our stuff. You’re most likely too busy wining and dining congressmen or perhaps donating a library to your kids’ college(s).

These top-tier investors may have a tight grip on the market’s strings, but we’re not in the old boys' club days anymore. 

Financial knowledge is far from exclusive. In fact, I’m giving you some right now for free. 

You don’t need to be making seven figures per trade each day — though I won’t stop you from trying. 

There’s more than enough to go around, even with the top echelon hogging the lion's share. 

Consider for a moment the humble remora…


You'll notice immediately that it is NOT a whale. 

Yet this clever fish uses nothing but grit, determination, and its oddly shaped head to keep up with the biggest creatures in the sea. 

It’s not the most elegant metaphor, but I’ve more often than not found myself thinking like a remora. 

Keeping a watchful eye on the biggest industry insiders can set you up for LIFE. 

If I haven't lost you yet, you’re probably wondering the obvious: How do I find my whale? 

That’s the million-dollar question. These power players can understandably be incredibly secretive. 

After all, who wants the peasants nosing around while you're trying to score an eight-figure gain through a pump-and-dump on your brother-in-law’s construction company? 

That’s right, no one. 

But it’s precisely those secretive, market-swaying deals that make our team of analysts go nuts. 

Following the insiders can be like a compass in a dark sea. Even if you have no idea which way you're headed, take solace in the fact that Bezos and his yacht are heading in the same direction. 

Now, if you want to get started tracking down the piles and piles of quiet money that move around the market every day, I have a job for you. 

First, follow this research presentation TO THE LETTER.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched even experienced investors make AT LEAST one of these three common blunders.

I personally managed to stumble into all three my first time around.

Luckily, I had an insider expert ready to point me in the right direction — you’ll need one of those too.